Last Saturday, May 13, the General Meeting was held at the Polish School. The families present had the opportunity to share new ideas for the school, which we will try to implement next school year. At the meeting, the Board of Directors for the upcoming school year was also elected.
Composition of the Board of the Polish Saturday School in Minneapolis for the year 2023/2024
Chairman of the School Board – Fr. Cyprian Czop
School Director – Michał Wojtak
Deputy Director – Marta Rubin
Deputy Director – Nawojka Lesinski
School Treasurer – Julia Weir
Chairwoman of the Teachers’ Council – Jolanta Grey
Librarian Archivist – Bożena Kozłowski-Saletis
The chairperson of the Teachers’ Council is always elected during the first teachers’ meeting in the new school year.
The elections to the Parental Committee were postponed to September due to the low turnout of potential candidates. The Parent Committee is mainly engaged in the preparation of school meals. If there are interested people who could help in this school unit, we cordially invite you.